There is no paper quite like the New York Times. Even before I moved here, I read it as often as possible. In my opinion, it's gone downhill a little bit. I think the Times' publishers have tried too hard to make it "America's paper." That's watered it down a bit. Nevertheless, it's a great paper.
On the subway, though, you don't see as many people reading the Times. Maybe it's because it's a normal-sized paper. (Experienced commuters can fold a copy of the Times so only about a 5-6 inch wide section is revealed, thereby not crowding other commuters too much.) Maybe it's because it's up to $2 on weekdays and $5 on Sundays. Maybe it's something else, like those damned earbuds that do NOT prevent music from blaring loudly.
NYC has several papers, but the other "Big 2" are the NY Daily News and the NY Post. For the most part, I wouldn't use the Post to line a bird cage. It is a farce, the National Enquirer printed on a daily basis.
Then there's the Daily News. It isn't the repository of serious journalism that the Times is, but it is a quick, informative read. The editorial page is pretty fair, although some of the letters to the editor make me cringe. And at 50 cents a copy Monday-Friday, 75 cents on Saturday, and $1.25 on Sunday, it's still a bargain.